Ethical Use of AI in Financial Markets

2 min readNov 13, 2020

With Dan Liebau, Lightbulb Captial

QuantUniversity partnered with PRMIA for QuantUniversity’s fall school in Machine Learning and AI in Finance. We had more than 1000 participants from more than 20 countries including India, China, Australia, UK, Turkey, South Africa etc. attend the our Lectures.

This fall, we are offering 3 courses in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Model Risk Management:

  1. Just Enough Python for Data Science
  2. Machine Learning and AI for Financial Professionals
  3. Model Risk Management for Machine Learning Models

In addition, we are hosting guest lectures from eminent quants, innovators, and thinkers on various topics in AI/ML and Fintech related topics.

Lecture 3

In Week 3, we had Dan Liebau from Lightbulb Capital, and Sri Krishnamurthy from QuantUniversity discuss Ethical Use of AI in Financial Markets. Here is a summary of the workshop.


As AI and ML penetrates the financial industry, there are growing concerns about ethical use of AI in Finance. In this talk, Dan will focus on how the AI can be operationalized to help industry professionals and executive teams alike think about opportunities, risks as well as required actions factoring in ethics in our data-driven world.

In this week’s event, Dan talked about a range of topics regarding the Ethical Use of AI in Financial Markets. Such as, who needs to control who?, governments & the ethical use of AI, and principles. Dan is an expert on AI ethics and has written a chapter in a Wiley Publication called “The AI Book”. He dove into the different principles of ethics in AI by elaborating on what is the issue and recommendations when building AI. The principles include, Fairness, Privacy, Transparency, Explainability and Accountability.

He concluded that “Machine Learning cannot be considered an emerging technology anymore” and that it needs to be closely monitored and managed carefully.

Listen to the Podcast here

Slides, demos, and videos at

Missed this event and want to attend the next?

Next week’s event (11/18) is joined by Stefan Jansen where he will present about Synthetic Data Generation in Finance

Register here!

