Responsible AI in Action

2 min readDec 3, 2020

With Dr.Valeria Sadovykh from PWC, Dr.Reid Blackman from Virtue Consultants, and Jun Wu a Forbed Reporter.

As the discussion on AI ethics and adoption of Responsible AI grows, there is confusion of what does Responsible AI actually mean for an enterprise. Is it regulation? Is it having a moral stance? Is it policy? Is it to prevent bad actors? As we delegate more and more decision making to machines, we need to not only bring policy, but also have pragmatic ways to adopt these practices within the enterprise.

In Week 6, we had Dr.Valeria Sadovykh from PWC, Dr.Reid Blackman from Virtue Consultants, Jun Wu a Forbes Reporter, and Sri Krishnamurthy from QuantUniversity discuss Responsible AI in Action at the QuantUniversity Guest Lecture series.

Practitioners are taking steps forward everyday to think about questions regarding ethical AI” said Dr. Valeria Sadovykh. “There is always the question of what’s the distinction between Ethical and Responsible AI? Everybody’s definition is different depending on how they approach the technology.“

Dr. Reid Blackman mentioned that people need to realize that companies think about Responsible AI not because of passion, but for risk mitigation. “They are passionate about not screwing things up…Doing things for the wrong reason is better than doing the wrong thing” said Dr. Blackman.

With the rise in Responsible AI there needs to be a process in place. Jun Wu, a Forbes Reporter suggested that companies should create a cross functional committee in different departments to collectively talk about the issue of Ethical AI.

Sri Krishnamurthy the founder of QuantUniversity emphasized that “It is ultimately the humans making decisions, leveraging machines rather than the other way around. We need to realize that we are responsible for their actions. “

The full video of the discussion is here:

Listen to the Podcast here

Slides, demos, and videos at

About QuantUniversity Fall School Guest Lecture series

QuantUniversity partnered with PRMIA for QuantUniversity’s fall school in Machine Learning and AI in Finance. We had more than 1000 participants from more than 20 countries including India, China, Australia, UK, Turkey, South Africa etc. attend the our courses.

This fall, we are offering 3 courses in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Model Risk Management:

  1. Just Enough Python for Data Science
  2. Machine Learning and AI for Financial Professionals
  3. Model Risk Management for Machine Learning Models

Join us for the upcoming QuantUniversity Winter School 2021

